Developing Your Leadership Skills
Are you one of our dedicated Soroptimist leaders? If so, thank you for stepping into this position and providing this additional service to your club and/or region! Because our members are looking to you for information, direction, and guidance, it’s very important to develop and implement effective leadership skills.
Please take some time to review the following materials which have been created to help you in your role. If you have any suggestions for additional resources, please send them to membership@soroptimist.org.
Leadership Development Opportunities
Get ready to experience leadership development in a whole new way at SIA’s first Leadership Round Table and Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program! All members are invited to attend SIA’s virtual 2023 Leadership Round Table and invited to apply for the two-year Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program.
Recorded Leadership Trainings
March 2023: Club Operations 2.0 Training
Note, you may be prompted to register and use this pass code to view the video and select your language: SIA2023!